A friend or loved one has passed away and you have been named as the estate trustee or maybe one of several estate trustees. What are your obligations and where do you start?
The administration of an estate in Ontario can be a complicated and time-consuming task. As estate trustee your basic duties are to look after the funeral arrangements, create an inventory of all of the deceased’s assets, determine and pay any outstanding debts, possibly apply to the Court for the Certificate of Appointment with a Will, file any remaining tax returns and distribute the remaining estate to the beneficiaries according to the instructions as set out in the will. This list of duties is general in nature and there may be additional steps required, depending on the estate’s complexity.
Our office can assist you in the administration of the estate. We will ensure that you are aware of all of your obligations to the estate and to the beneficiaries and help you to avoid any potential pitfalls. The level of our involvement will depend on how much assistance you may require and will be tailored to your specific needs.
Advising you on all matters in connection with the administration of the Estate.
Preparing and filing the application for the Certificate of Appointment to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to confirm your appointment as Estate Trustee.
Preparing the advertisement for creditors if you wish to advertise for creditors.
519.579.4300 x 307
Lucas Barbosa
519.579.4300 x 322
519.579.4300 x 313